Je vais à ma toute première convention américaine en fin de semaine! Alors au cas où, je copie/colle mon texte anglo ici:
I will be at Emerald City Comicon (Seattle, WA) on March 27th-29th!
This will be my first-ever American con and I am absolutely thrilled (but also really stressed out)! It’ll be the biggest con I’ll have attended so far. How intimidating is this floor plan?! (It’s not even the whole thing)
As you can see, I’m sitting waaaaay in the back in the Artist Alley, so please take the time to drop by! I’ll have Boumeries books (including my very last copies of volume 1), magnets, buttons, my few remaining charms, and I’ll also be giving away some sweet bookmarks. On top of that, I’ll be doing some $10 Boumeries-style marker commissions as well!
Come and say hi and witness my funny French accent in person. I don’t bite!
See you there!!
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